fiduciary institution

fiduciary institution
фидуциарное учреждение

Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. . 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "fiduciary institution" в других словарях:

  • fiduciary — fi·du·cia·ry 1 /fə dü shə rē, dyü , shē ˌer ē/ n pl ries: one often in a position of authority who obligates himself or herself to act on behalf of another (as in managing money or property) and assumes a duty to act in good faith and with care,… …   Law dictionary

  • fiduciary duty — see duty Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. fiduciary duty n. Th …   Law dictionary

  • fiduciary — /fad(y)uwsh(iy)ary/ The term is derived from the Roman law, and means (as a noun) a person holding the character of a trustee, or a character analogous to that of a trustee, in respect to the trust and confidence involved in it and the scrupulous …   Black's law dictionary

  • fiduciary — /fad(y)uwsh(iy)ary/ The term is derived from the Roman law, and means (as a noun) a person holding the character of a trustee, or a character analogous to that of a trustee, in respect to the trust and confidence involved in it and the scrupulous …   Black's law dictionary

  • Cobell v. Salazar — United States District Court for the District of Columbia Cobell v. Salazar (previously Cobell v. Kempthorne and Cobell v. Norton and Cobell v. Babbitt) is a class action lawsuit brought by Native American representatives against two departments… …   Wikipedia

  • Cobell v. Kempthorne — (previously Cobell v. Norton and Cobell v. Babbit ) is a class action lawsuit brought by Native American representatives against the United States government. The plaintiffs claim that the U.S. government has incorrectly accounted for Indian… …   Wikipedia

  • trustee — trust·ee 1 /ˌtrəs tē/ n 1: one to whom something is entrusted: one trusted to keep or administer something: as a: a member of a board entrusted with administering the funds and directing the policy of an institution or organization b: a country… …   Law dictionary

  • money — moneyless, adj. /mun ee/, n., pl. moneys, monies, adj. n. 1. any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits. 2. See paper money. 3. gold, silver, or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public …   Universalium

  • property law — Introduction       principles, policies, and rules by which disputes over property are to be resolved and by which property transactions may be structured. What distinguishes property law from other kinds of law is that property law deals with… …   Universalium

  • South African contract law — is essentially a modernised version of the Roman Dutch law of contract, [1] which is itself rooted in Roman law. In the broadest definition, a contract is an agreement entered into by two or more parties with the serious intention of creating a… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman Law —     Roman Law     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Roman Law     In the following article this subject is briefly treated under the two heads of; I. Principles; II. History. Of these two divisions, I is subdivided into: A. Persons; B. Things; C. Actions …   Catholic encyclopedia

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